
Employer’s Package

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You do not know anymore which are the updated laws and how do they apply in your business?
How to calculate overtime?
What to do to form a workplace coordinating committee?
An employee is too ofter absent without justification: what to do to terminate employment?
How to issue employment contract?
One of your workers will be soon on maternity leave: how to get access to social security funds?

* If you are struggling with all these matters, join the MGMA Employer’s Package *


Unique insights into labour law industrial relations and detailed secroral analysis.


A series of up-to-date briefings form the MGMA team on key labour issues including HR best practice

Information and advice

HR Advice on employee relations, industrial relations, WCC formation and HR policies and procedures.

Assistance in case of labour dispute

Easy access to township labour offices, arbitration and relevant labour departments. Assistance for dealing with blocking strikes and preparing documents ft r arbitratio.

Training and Skills

Access to wiide variety of management training and professional development programmes.

Voluntary Labour Audit service

Voluntary audit to make sure you are fully compliant with national labour law and ready for audits by international brands or embark in certification system.

Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association Employers’ Package Training Calendar

What is Employers’ Package?
Employers’ Package is a service package developed and maintained by Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA) for the employers in the labor intensive industries.
As the labor intensive industries are prone to labor disputes, MGMA initiated Employers’ Package for garment factories and broadened it later to other manufacturing industries.
Services of Employers’ Package cover the following three main areas;
Information & Advice
Assistance with Dispute Resolution
Training & Development
How can I get the services of Employers’ Package?
To get the services of Employers’ Package, you need to register for Employers’ Package membership. There are two types of the membership you can register for one of them and their respective member fees are as follows;
Member as Factory/Company
300,000/- MMK for number of workers 1-2000
500,000/- MMK for number of workers 2001-above
Member as Person
150,000/- MMK for 1 person

How to register for the membership of Employers’ Package?
Registration Form for membership:
If you want to join us, please fill up this online registration form and payment of membership fee or annual fee can be transferred to the following bank details;
Bank Name: CB Bank
Account Name: Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association
Account No.: 0010100500027871
Bank Name: Myanmar Citizens Bank
Account Name: (M-129) Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association
Account No.: 1650208624
or call us : +95 09 25 731 3341, +95 09 96 352 2939