Practical Application of HRM in Apparel Industry

MGMA was conducted “ Practical Application of HR Management in Apparel Industry” on 2022, March 21 to 23 at MGHRDC for three days workshop, supported by UNICEF Myanmar.
The purpose of this workshop is to improve the understanding of basic concepts and methods in human resources management (HRM) and how their approach practice builds an organization’s capacity overall. Managing Director of MGMA, Daw Aye Mi Shein gave opening remarks to participants. In the training, learning outline as HRM and organizational strategy, Recruitment, Selection, Introduction of employee, Employee Management and relationships, Employee Support, Training & Development were lecture by Daw Nyunt Theingi Htwe (Founder and Consultant from Future Development Initiative Learning Hub). Central Executive Committee of MGMA, Daw Aye Aye Han gave closing remarks and awarded certificates. 30 participants from members’ factories were active participated to the training.