MGMA’s 5th Annual Factory Award Dinner 2018
![MGMA’s 5th Annual Factory Award Dinner 2018](
The MGMA hold “MGMA’s 5th Annual Factory Award Dinner 2018” successfully in Inya Lake Hotel Yangon on 8thDecember 2018 with collaboration of sponsored by MTG (Myanmar International Textile & Garment IndustryExhibition), Korea Garment Association, Luther law firm, MSP-CAT (Generator), OV Logistic & Shipping Line (PHEE) and Nordic technology group Myanmar (NTGM). There was agreat chance to meet with manufacturers and industry service providers, brandrepresentatives and related logistics companies & organizations at thebiggest business networking opportunity for Myanmar’s apparel industry. Around240 participants joined to this event and together celebrated dinner with MGMA’s members, logistics companies, inspections,exhibition services, brands/retailers, buyers/suppliers and others.
Speeches by Union Minister from Ministry of Education, Dr. Myo Thein Gyi and Chairman of The Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association, U Myint Soe in this event.Awards were given by MGMA are The Garment Factory of the Year 2018 to Mingalar Sumbiri Garment Co. Ltd, The Best Practices Factoryof the Year 2018 to Natural Garment Mfg. Co. Ltd and The Best Practices in OHS Factory of the Year 2018 to Myanmar Huayi Co., Ltd. Another awards by MGMA are given TOT Awards of Best Instructor, SecondBest Instructor, Best Presenter and Criteria for the social compliance award to instructors and managers.