MGMA Executive Committees attend MOU Signing Ceremony and “ Belt & Road Initiative” Conference

Executive Committee of MGMA U Thein Pe Win and U Aung Myo Hein attended signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding by China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC), ASEAN Federation of Textile Industries (AFTEX), Textile Council of Hong Kong & Hong Kong General Chamber of Textiles and “ Belt & Road Initiative” Conference.
CNTAC and Textile Council of Hong Kong & Hong Kong General Chamber of Textiles organized the MOU signing ceremony and conference was held on March 21 – 2024 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre – S221 , supported by office of The Hon Sunny Tan, AFTEX & Hong Kong Research Institute of Textile and Apparel.
On March 22, Executive Committee of MGMA and delegates of AFTEX visited Dongguan Luen Thai. Then, AFTEX Delegates joined study tour to Luen Thai Exhibition Hall, Skechers live streaming studio centre, Dogguan Tomwell Garment Co.,Ltd, Skechers Asia Pacific Product Development Center and participated exchange session with Luen Thai.
The signing ceremony and conference attended by delegates from AFTEX Myanmar, Chairman of Textile Council of Hong Kong, Executive Chairman of Hong Kong General Chamber of Textiles, Chairman of AFTEX, delegates from AFTEX member and representatives from other relevant organizations.