Labour Law Awareness Training – Compulsory Program (Batch – 29)

Labour Law Awareness Training was held on January 26th – 2024, via zoom application, organized as compulsory training of Batch (29) by Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA).
The compulsory training was provided 28 times from 2022 August to 2023 December and it was regularly held twice a month. As a result of providing labor law awareness training, MGMA has been able to conducted awareness of labor law and industrial relations widely into the garment sector.
In this batch – 29, Senior Labour Officer of MGMA ,U Min Soe Han, conducted the training of labour law awareness, update information of Employer’s Package and zero tolerance points of Voluntary Labor Compliance Assessment (VLCA) and explained about upcoming training with Q&A session.
Total (30) participants from MGMA member factories attended the training. MGMA will hold this training in monthly basis regularly as part of sustainable development goal in whole garment industry. Training has been provided to (829) participants role of Management and Supervisor of Production Department from (464) factories in the whole garment sector level.