Advisory Committee Meeting, Renewable Energy Technologies Fair

Advisory Committee Meeting, Renewable Energy Technologies Fair
Regional Conference and MGMA Training Schools Visit
Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA) and GIZ (Deutsche Gesellshaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH conducted Advisory Committee on Asian Dialogue Meeting on 2nd April 2019 at Lottee Hotel. In the meeting, opportunities for further collaboration to promote the garment industry were explored and discussed. Continuously, on 3rd April 2019, “Renewable Energy Technologies Fair” was held and MGMA hosted dinner to members of international organizations which were co-organizing the fair. On 4th April 2019, MGMA organized “Regional Conference” and visits to its training schools in Insein township.

Renewable Energy Solutions for the Garment & Textile Industry in Myanmar (Renewable Energy Technologies Fair) was held by Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA) in collaboration with Smart Myanmar, GIZ (Deutsche Gesellshaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and H&M on 3rd April 2019 at Lottee Hotel.
In the event, MGMA Secretary General Daw Khine Khine Nwe gave welcome remark and GIZ Bangladesh’s Textile Cluster Coordinator Mr. Werner Lange gave opening speech. Then domestic and international organizations and companies took the stage for presenting their products and services.
As the country, for economic development, is inviting foreign investments and manufacturing sector is being focal point, energy efficiency and adopting renewable energy technologies are more and more important. Meanwhile, Renewable Energy Solutions for the Garment & Textile Industry in Myanmar (Renewable Energy Technologies Fair) was the event in which MGMA members and textile manufacturing factories were able to learn renewable energy technologies such as Solar photovoltaic, Solar thermal, Biomass from rice husks and wood scrap, Steam condensate recycling.
Moreover, AYA Bank introduced its financing schemes to the manufacturing factories in case of financial needs to adopt the new technologies.